Welcome to Glyphnotes.

Like all businesses we get asked certain questions over and over. Many are simply details to larger decisions that are usually answered inadequately in the rush to get things done. These pages are where we take the time to carefully workout a good illustration of the answers. Some of the topics are simple, some are needlessly complex (the causes not the answers). You may think some of them are common knowledge, but they are all here because we find them constantly brought up.

The explanations are we give are usually simple. There are almost always variations we could delve into or underlying complexities that we do not explain. The goal here is to explain the concepts in a way that anyone can understand. If you are looking for depth, please call - I will be happy to discuss topics like device pixel rounding error problems.

We are just beginning to add to this repository of information and hope to be adding topics at least once a week. Right now there are even unfinished articles - but such is the nature of beta.

About Using This Site.

Note that there are a few features used on these web pages you may not be familiar with.

Hover and get more from life.

First is the use of highlighted text. Due to the nature of this sites content, there are a lot of TLA's and NTLA's. Computer people just love them. You will occasionally see text looks like it is highlighted with a light yellow highlighter. This is a clue that there is some extra information about the highlighted concept. By hovering your mouse over the yellow area, a small "tool tip" containing the added information will pop up. Try it on the highlighted text.

For the sticklers in the audience this is a non-standard HTML construction. There is an HTML standard for defining acronyms, but Microsoft Internet Explorer does not support the real specification. Regardless, there is a way to build a universal function and it is quite handy for compacting copy and still having some detail available.

Print away.

Second, you should find printing these articles quite easy. We are using a technique that allows the formatting to conform to any printer and unneeded web elements to be hidden when printed. If you find this is not the case, we would love to hear from you.